Injury Rehabilitation
Muscular Re-Education
Manual Therapy & Bodywork
NeuroMuscular testing
Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex
(P-DTR)Fascial Manipulation
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
Movement Skill Based Training
Gait training
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
Benjamin’s BIO.
“Take Care of your Body.
It’s the Only Place you have to Live.”
Benjamin began his professional career as a personal trainer at Equinox in 2012 as a means of gaining practice working with the human body before beginning his study of Physical Therapy.
It was during this time that Benjamin became aware of a critical missing piece in the market of body-care. Patients would recover active pain-free mobility in a previously injured joint but have no way of integrating that ankle-hip-or-shoulder to the rest of the body. It appeared that physical therapy was therapy focused on correcting pain pathways but not Integrity focused as on performance and skill-based training.
Seeing this space as a new frontier, Benjamin pursued a rigorous self-designed curriculum on Neurology, Physics, Psychology, and Relationship Dynamics as a means to study and locate the missing links between pain and sensation; movement and intention; and thinking and learning.
Every day is a school day for Benjamin. As such, he is constantly seeking to integrate, investigate and explore the inner workings of the human experience, whether it be in the realm of human potential, or in the aspects of the witnessed experience.
Whether you are seeking to expand your movement repertoire, increase your strength, or activate dormant motor pathways, you can be sure Benjamin will assist you in recognizing a deeper dimension to the mystery that is your individual body, your custom physical experience, and your own intrinsic access to your absolute presence of mind.

Bachelor’s of Science | Kinesiology, Exercise Science
Licensed Massage Therapist CAMTC #90455 | San Francisco School of Massage
American College of Sports Medicine | Exercise Physiologist
Applied Movement Neurology
NeuroKinetic Therapy Course | Level 1
Zhealth Neural Coach
Anatomy in Motion
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification
Benjamin is a very unique healer and coach. His knowledge of how the body works - the inter-relationships of muscles, ligaments, organs and the mind - is comprehensive and very deep at the same time. He is clearly a life-long learner, and a learner of things that make his and other people's lives significantly better. My favorite activity is when I explain a situation to him, and he uses a multi-modal approach to re-balance and calm me. There has yet to be a situation, problem, ache or pain that he does not know how to improve. A one-of-a-kind extraordinarily knowledgeable and empathetic person.
— Scott T,
Active Professional, CEO, Entrepreneur